Candidate Portal User Guide
Once placed in a temporary assignment, you will be required to submit timesheets at the end of your working week (Monday-Sunday) for authorisation by your managers.
Your manager can enter, edit and authorise your timesheets online.
All authorisations should be completed before Monday 10am each week and Riada will process payroll as normal.

How to login
Login to your profile
Click on this link and Log in using the icon in the top right-hand corner.
Mobile view >
Desktop view >

Login using your social profiles or use the email address that you have provided to Riada.
If you cannot remember your password, click 'Forgot Password'.
How to Submit timesheets
Step 1
Once logged in, go to My Profile, where you will find the Timesheet widget on your Dashboard.
If this is not visible you can access Timesheets using the menu icon in the top right-hand corner.
Step 2
To access the timesheets, click Incomplete/Not Submitted.

Step 3
Click the week commencing date for the timesheet.

Step 4
Enter total hours for each day. You can also submit hours against overtime rates, if applicable.
You may have to enter hours minus your breaks - your Manager or Riada contact will advise you.
Upload supporting documents e.g., for any authorised expenses.
Step 5
To submit the timesheet for approval, tick the box to indicate you wish to submit the timesheet for approval and click Submit Timesheet.
Tip - Didn't work that week? Tick to indicate if no hours were worked this week.
You will receive email notifications confirming the status of your timesheet.
Tip - If you are using a mobile phone, turn it horizontally for a better view.

If you need additional support with the Riada Timesheet Portal, you can contact your Riada Account Manager.