Secondary and tertiary qualifications gained including the name of the college/ university, results and the year they were achieved. If your studies are incomplete, highlight when these will be achieved and predicted grades. Also include any training, qualifications and courses attended.
Employment HISTORY
Ensure you cover the entire work history complete with dates of employment in each of your roles - months and years. It is OK to have gaps in employment as long as you explain these gaps.
Highlight your key achievements under each position. This is where you can differentiate yourself from others and really stand out.
When compiling your CV it's important to use clear and concise language, do not waffle or use slang. For industry-specific words that the reader may not be familiar with, ensure abbreviated terms are included in brackets e.g 'CIM' (Certificate in Marketing)
Here is an opportunity for you to demonstrate what your interests are. These can include hobbies, volunteering or clubs that you belong to. This gives the reader an insight into you as a person.